Category: News

We take risk seriously across the British Engineering Services Group and helping make sure our customers leave nothing to chance is our priority.  To reinforce this even further, earlier this week we welcomed PCMS Eng Group to our business and are absolutely delighted to have them onboard.

The condition-based monitoring company assess machinery and equipment, helping keep businesses operational.  Their innovative and flexible approach means they can always put the needs of their customers first, no matter what.  They work closely with many manufacturing businesses world-wide who rely on their skills to prevent disruption, loss of production and cost caused by unexpected failures.

Adding the PCMS business to our Group will really help us expand our product set in an area that we haven’t previously offered, for which many of our customers are already showing a keen appetite.  This is another huge step forward for our company as we continue to expand our customer proposition and differentiate ourselves from others in the market.  With an industry leading approach that mirrors so much of our wider business, welcoming the specialist engineering condition monitoring company to our family is a great move for the British Engineering Services Group.

The company, which has been on its own acquisitive journey over recent years to form the four unique brands it operates under today, Practice Care Maintenance Services, Vibration Control Ltd, VCI Consultancy Ltd and Vibrotech Reliability Ltd, is happy to be joining our business where their ongoing growth and development will be fully supported.  Andy Chater, Managing Director, will continue to lead the business and their team of more than 40 people.

“Joining such a well-established and successful business is a great opportunity for us.  We’re excited to be a part of something so special and look forward to growing and developing together over the coming years,” said Andy.

“We’re absolutely delighted to have the PCMS team join the British Engineering Services Group family.  We were excited by this company as soon as we were introduced to them.  Their people are the very best in their industry and their innovative and focused approach is impressive.

We’re confident that adding PCMS to the Group will have a positive impact on our wider business.  We’re looking forward to getting to know both the team and their customers over the coming weeks,” commented Dave Vaughan, MD of Testing and Consultancy.

PCMS is the third company to join the British Engineering Services Group since we became an independent business five years ago.  We were pleased to welcome Non Destructive Testing company Nortest to our business in 2016 and specialist tanker inspection company UK Road Tanker Inspections in 2019.  Our acquisitive growth plan continues to be a focus for us and we couldn’t be happier with the progress we’ve made so far.

For more information about PCMS Engineering, visit their website  or contact Craig Morris by emailing

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Category: News

As we start, very cautiously, to move a little closer to what we once called ‘normal’, I wanted to give you another update from across the British Engineering Services Group.  Keeping both our people and our customers updated continues to be important to me and my Exec Team and we’ve worked hard to make sure we always have plenty to tell you about.

Firstly, I’m delighted to share that we are a proud recipient of a Princess Royal Training Award for 2020.  It was fantastic to receive this news.  We worked hard to ensure our application really brought to life everything we’re doing on the training front.  We’ve made significant progress in this area since becoming British Engineering Services and getting acknowledged for this formally is just the icing on the cake.

The timing of this award could not be better, with every week bringing us closer to the opening of our new training centre.  It’s amazing to see our plans being brought to life and, again, we’re grateful to everyone involved for helping make sure we haven’t had to take our foot off the gas with this over recent months.  We worked hard to find a location that really suits our needs and I am convinced it was worth the effort, this is definitely the place for us.  The space is fantastic and our people will undoubtedly benefit from spending time here as they progress their career with us. Again, safety will continue to be our number one priority and the layout will easily allow the most extensive training, from some of the most skilled industry experts, at a safe distance.

We have spent the last few weeks talking about The Paul Forrester Training Centre internally and the excitement of our people is unreal!  This is a huge investment in the future of the British Engineering Services Group and a real sign of things to come for our company.

Our focus will always sit firmly on the safety of our people and our customers, regardless of the circumstances.  We’re proud to be giving you the service you deserve, with no compromise, ever.  And we’re even prouder of the fantastic British Engineering Services team who continue to pull out all the stops to help make sure we can achieve this.  I’ve said it before, we really do have the very best people working for us and I am grateful to each of every one of them for their hard work and ‘can do’ attitude.

Providing you with a consistently brilliant service, albeit in a slightly different way as we adhere to government guidelines around social distancing and PPE etc, will remain high on our agenda.  Whether it’s your routine inspections or specialist testing work as you re-open your business after a period of downtime, we’re here to help make sure nothing is left to chance.

Our independence as a business has always been something we’ve been extremely proud of.  For British Engineering Services, being able to make a decision, change our ways of working, enhance our systems, and so much more, so quickly is just one of the many things that stands us above the rest.  The ability to do this while navigating the challenges of the last few months has been particularly beneficial for our business. We’ve been able to flex around your needs, to not only keep you safe and operational now, but ensure we continue to do so as more and more businesses come back online.

This, coupled with our innovative approach, has really kept us moving forward and we’re delighted to be working with new businesses all the time.  For our broker partners, our focus on eTrading is as important as ever.  It’s our job to make our services as easy for you and your clients to access as possible and we take this very seriously.  From continually building on our Acturis offering to introducing more and more new initiatives, we’ve got it covered.

Finally, as we continue to focus on our future, we’re looking for even more people to join our team.  It’s not just a numbers game for us, our approach to recruitment means we only ever employ people with the same attitude, aptitude and appetite for what we do.  It means our team will always consist of the very best people, something else we are very proud of.  By the end of the year, we will have welcomed 60 new people across the Group in 2020 alone.  This speaks for itself and really is the result of lots of hard work from lots of people.

To all of our customers, brokers and partners, thank you once again for your ongoing loyalty and support.  We will continue doing everything we can to make sure you and your people all get home safely every day, you have my word.

Category: News

It’s our absolute pleasure to share that we are proud recipients of a Princess Royal Training Award for 2020.

Our training is undoubtedly industry leading and the improvements we’ve made over recent years have had a significant impact on both our people and our business.  We were excited about sharing everything we’re doing on this front from the very start of the award application process.  With so much positive information surrounding our training and the development of our people, we knew that we had a great story to tell and couldn’t wait to share it.

The hard work of everyone involved in helping us present our evidence and, more importantly, the ongoing efforts of those who help deliver our brilliant training programme, has paid off and we’re delighted to have been acknowledged in this way.

The official congratulatory letter, issued by City and Guilds on behalf of Buckingham Palace, states: ‘You have further demonstrated that investing in your people through training and skills development has delivered real and tangible impact and benefits, and it is appropriate this will now be recognised through your Award. The commitment of your organisation to the development of your employees, especially during these acutely difficult times and as we aspire to recovery post Covid-19, demonstrates that you will be well prepared to play your part in the nation’s economic recovery.’

‘We couldn’t be happier that our commitment to our people has been recognised.  They are at the heart of our success as a business and we will continue to invest in them and their future with the British Engineering Services Group,’ said Hannah Mather Group HR Director.

Stewart Kay, Group CEO said, ‘I keep saying it, but I could not be prouder of our people and our business.  This award is just another example of how we’re leading the way in our industry.  Our training programme is integral to the success of the British Engineering Services Group and this is just another proof point that we’re doing it right.  With our new training centre opening later this year, the timing of this award is perfect!  Thank you to everyone involved in helping us achieve this and, more importantly, for helping make Britain and Ireland a safer place , we really do have the very best people.’

We look forward to sharing more information about our new training facility as we get closer to its official opening later this year.


Category: News

It’s been a couple of months since the world changed significantly.  We made some quick initial changes to our ways of working, including implementing social distancing measures, putting in place new risk assessments and operating our Head Office function remotely. These changes have allowed both British and Irish Engineering Services to continue servicing our customers, uninterrupted, throughout this crisis.

I could not be more impressed with our people.  I am running out of phrases to say well done and thank you, I am so proud of each and every one of them.  We have received many compliments and much praise from our customers and brokers about the way we have handled ourselves and the consistency of our approach.  It has been a fantastic team effort with many having quietly gone above and beyond each day.  This has to be the proudest moment in our 160 year history. We have carried on supporting UK and Irish businesses throughout this crisis and have never shirked our responsibilities.

It is crucial that we recognise how important our part is in keeping things moving and keeping people safe.  For example, the work we have carried out at the Nightingale and other NHS hospitals has really brought to life how important our services are in helping our care providers carry on caring. We have worked with many businesses across many different sectors across the UK and Ireland to keep the national infrastructures operating. We are proud to have played our part.

Over the last few weeks, there have been several statements from the Health and Safety Executive regarding the importance of our industry.  This particular statement really reinforced the significance of our work: “The work of Engineer Surveyors is extremely valuable and necessary to maintaining safety critical plant and equipment, failure of which can create dangerous situations, risking physical harm to workers and the public. Much of this plant and equipment is vital to the national infrastructure, the NHS and to protect vulnerable groups as effectively as possible during the coronavirus crisis”. We continue to monitor Government and HSE guidelines and appreciate the support that we have received from the HSE and SaFed. The clarity and encouragement provided has been greatly appreciated.

To date we have had 6 people out of over 600 self-isolating for a variety of reasons but no one has tested positive for Covid-19 or been taken seriously ill.  I have continually reinforced the message to our people that no one should carry out work they are not comfortable doing. We will always follow specific site rules and guidance laid down by our customers. Our people are the best judges of their personal safety and if they feel they are being put at risk, they have our full support to walk away.  This is always the case and not just during these challenging times.

Ways of working will inevitably change with more people working from home more often. The past few weeks has shown that it is possible for people to work from home effectively and there are upsides to this including quality of life, improved healthy habits and less commuting. There will always be a need for us to meet and keep our social connections but we will have to learn to adapt and change our way of doing things. Over the coming weeks and months we will reassess how British and Irish Engineering work in the future to make sure we all get the benefits of both pre and post Covid practices.

I am delighted to announce that we have now started work on building our new training centre which is a big investment for us. It will allow us to cross train existing Engineer Surveyors and train our new Engineer Surveyors much more quickly, reduce training in the field and ultimately create new capacity for our growth as a business. The training centre means we can train safely and, if needed, keep social distancing in place.  This is very exciting for us as a business as we continue to invest in an even bigger and better future.

The Training Centre will be named after Paul Forrester, who we sadly lost last year.  He was both our Technical Specialist for Machinery and a great friend to many.  I am sure he is very proud of us all, particularly at the moment.

We are currently hiring more Engineer Surveyors than ever before. The demand for our services is ever growing and we won’t allow capacity to get in the way of servicing customers who need us.  In the first instance, we will be looking to add 60 new Engineer Surveyors to our team, with our next new group of Engineer Surveyors starting in June. It is great as a business to be hiring more people in these difficult times and also investing in our current staff.

How we have gone about our business has been exemplary and I am sure that there are lots of people who admire our quiet confidence and determination to do the right thing. I am pleased that we are able to continue with our plans and ambitions for the business and not just get by. We are doing all the things that we would have done without Coronavirus and probably more and that’s because of the fantastic people in British and Irish Engineering Services.

Finally, once again,  I would like to thank our people for being so brilliant and our customers and brokers for being so supportive as we navigate together through these difficult times.

Stewart Kay
Group CEO

Category: News

To all of our customers and brokers, past, present and future

The British Engineering Services Group remains fully operational serving all our customers where they still require our services during these difficult times.

The HSE (and HSA) have confirmed that there is no derogation of regulations that apply to our sector.  On that basis, we should continue to operate business as usual within the guidance provided from HSE/HSA and the Government.  SAFed considers the Inspection and Conformity industry as serving all sectors listed within the latest Government publication and therefore considers the work of its member companies as essential public services such that their staff are deemed to be key workers.

Our industry should be supporting the efforts of key services and suppliers in the UK and it was surprising to hear that some of our competitors had withdrawn services for a period.

We are the only Inspection business that specialises in our industry in the UK and Ireland and our priorities and commitment to our people and customers are clear.

The key for us is to keep on serving our customers, to keep them operational especially key services such as Hospitals, Utilities, food chain, key manufacturers, emergency services, care homes, schools, local authorities and so on. We also recognise that some customers do not want us in during these times and of course we will continue to support them once things return to normal.

It is vital that in a time of such crisis that we recognise how important our part is in keeping things moving and keeping people safe.

We must stick to Government guidelines and again these may change further over the coming days and weeks. Again, we will implement in line with these at all times. We will keep reviewing what is safe and what isn’t and update you regularly.

This business has survived two world wars, a 1996 bomb attack outside its Head Office in Manchester and many global economic recessions during its 160-year history. Throughout we have served our customers and kept Britain and Ireland functioning safely. As long as we adhere to Government guidelines then I am sure that we will come through this pandemic stronger and fitter. We will keep performing in these difficult times.

I am absolutely proud of what we do, and I don’t want to let down other key workers by not being able to support them.

We have seen a small increase in customer appointment cancellations, but these have been offset by existing customers asking us to do more and new customers asking for help. We have received many compliments from customers and brokers over the last week about our service and our relationship management.

I am not a political animal, but I must say that our Governments in the UK and Republic of Ireland are leading brilliantly. We must support their efforts and keep Britain and Ireland safe and where possible or essential keep them working safely.

We work with fantastic customers and brokers who have always supported us, and we will continue to support them through this crisis.

Best regards,

Stewart Kay
Group CEO
British Engineering Services Group

Category: News

As with everything we do, we've really pulled it out of the bag on the fundraising front!  Just over a year ago, we set ourselves the challenge of raising £10,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support and we've exceeded our ambitious target, and then some.

Having now topped the £14,000 mark, our generous donations will really make a difference to the brilliant charity.  We’ve worked hard to achieve this impressive amount.  We’ve seen the total amount raised grow and grow over the last few months and we’re absolutely delighted with this.

“WOW I really can’t thank you both enough.  £14,000 is just incredible and I would like to thank you all.  With over 3 million people in the UK living with and after cancer. It has never been more urgent to make sure we have the support we need in place. Each and every day across the North West alone, 110 people hear the words they have cancer and every penny raised goes directly to making sure they are supported, even before diagnosis” said Cheryl Jenkinson, our Macmillan fundraising partner.

“I am so proud of what we’ve been able to do for Macmillan.  It’s a truly worthwhile charity and it’s amazing that we’ve been able to make such a difference,” said Hannah Mather, Group HR Director.

Below: Andy Kidd, our fantastic Chief Engineer, and Lianne Turley, Head of Talent and Recruitment, really got into the spirit during our fundraising efforts.

Category: News

We’re proud to have evolved into the successful company we are today, setting the highest benchmark possible.  Our team of experts and our drive for what we do is what defines us and we’re delighted to have added even more industry specialists to the British Engineering Service Group with this acquisition.

UKRTI is a national provider of road tanker inspection, testing and certification services with 15 employees, including eight Engineer Surveyors.  Like British Engineering Services, the company is focused on working alongside its customers to keep them safe and legally compliant and is a great fit for our Group.

“Welcoming UKRTI to the British Engineering Services Group is a great move for both companies.  We’re always looking to add businesses like this to our business.  With a team of brilliant people and a loyal customer base in a niche market, UKRTI presented us with a really great opportunity and we’re excited to have them on board,” said Stewart Kay, Group CEO for British Engineering Services.

 Ongoing growth is a priority for our business and expansion by acquisition continues to be a focus as we look to complement our strong organic growth.  2019 has been a great year for the British Engineering Services Group so far and we’re excited to be expanding our services further by adding even more industry experts to our team.

UKRTI will continue to operate out of their office in Leeds under the leadership of Kate Thompson, Managing Director.  “This is great news for our business.  We’re excited to be part of a company with such an exciting future and look forward to playing a part in this,” said Kate.

Category: News

Meet Gerry, sean and Bill

Who we work with is everything to us. At Irish Engineering Services we want to inspire everyone to see how important the safety of their staff, themselves and anyone around them is.  Our leadership team is focused on making sure everyone gets home safe, that works for us and it works for our partners too.

Our management group is made up of Sean Thompson, Territory Manager, and Gerry Doran and Bill Martin, Unit  leaders, three of the industry’s most skilled and experienced people.  Together, their hands on approach and customer focus has helped guarantee the ongoing success of our business and will continue to do so well into the future.


“I’ve been working for the Group since 1991 and cut my teeth as a lifting equipment surveyor in Scotland’s oil rig yards near Inverness.  A move back to Ireland followed in 1997 and I began leading the Irish inspection team in 2000.  I’ve been the Territory Manager for the whole of Ireland and Isle of Man since 2014 and I am also a Statutory Director of Irish Engineering Services.  A native of Belfast, I have lived in Athenry, Co Galway for more than 20 years and now call it home.”


“Having worked in heavy industry and as a training school instructor, I came to British Engine back in 1999 and worked as an Electrical/LEV surveyor covering all of Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and Donegal.  Each year, I would also spend several months completing electrical inspections in Hazardous Areas for BP and Shell and travelled wherever this skill was required.  In 2009, I became the Unit Leader for the Northern Ireland team and manage the daily activities of 20+ Engineer Surveyors in five different specialist disciplines.  In recent years, I have also combined this with the management of a portfolio of Key Accounts locally including Northern Ireland Electricity, Caterpillar and Belfast City Council.  Put simply, my role is to ensure that our customers always get the very best from our Group at all times.  Based in Glengormley, near Belfast, I am located centrally to our main clients, brokers and our team of Engineers Surveyors and I am able to ensure that we respond very quickly and do just that.”


“I began my career as a Marine Engineer working on roll on roll off ferries, very large and ultra large crude oil tankers before spending time in the offshore industry in the North Sea. I joined the group in 2006 as a Pressure Engineer Surveyor. I went on to examine pressure equipment, lifting equipment and carry out pressure consultancy work all over Munster. In 2014 I became the Unit Leader for the ROI team and currently lead, motivate and develop a team of 19 Engineer Surveyors. I’m the Key Account Manager for two of our larger clients Dairygold and Glanbia. I live just outside of Mallow in North Cork.”


Category: News

It was great to start 2019 with the news that the British Engineering Services Group had made it to the final three for our first ever company award, alongside Capita PIP and BT Openreach.

After a lengthy  judging process which took place over several months, we are delighted to share that we were named winners of The Forum’s prestigious Customer Contact Innovation Award for Enterprise Planning at the awards ceremony.  And as if that wasn’t enough, we even picked up a second award for Innovation of the Year making us the overall winners of the night, beating EE, The Times and The Sunday Times, Eon, Esure, RBS, Anglian Water and Newday!

“We are absolutely delighted and extremely proud of our team.  We consistently adopt a pioneering and innovative approach to delivering for our customers and it’s undoubtedly paying off.  We’re setting the highest benchmark possible every single day and we should all be pleased with everything we’ve achieved so far,” said Stewart Kay, Group CEO.

The Forum judges were particularly interested in our approach to scheduling and planning our great Engineer Surveyor workforce and spent time with a number of our people to learn more about what we’ve been doing in these areas.  And the response couldn’t have been any better with comments including ‘The British Engineering submission is the best we’ve had in 10 years’ and ‘The Innovation of the Year Award for 2019 is won by a team that puts customers service at the heart of transforming the business, from strategic planning to pricing to real-time flexibility.  It lays down a challenge to all of us: how do we make our organisation stand out from the crowd?’

“This has been another amazing team effort.  I have never been part of a team that has won an award with such high accolade from our peers.  Well done everyone, this is fantastic news  and a reflection of everything we’re doing as a business,” said Paul Hirst, MD of Inspections.

Our very own Dave Gill, Operations Director, Sue Allen, Head of Capacity Planning, Paul Hirst, MD of Inspections and Ste Doyle, Operational Development Leader all attended the ceremony on behalf of our now award winning company!